
McMurry & Company offers a broad range of accounting services for small to mid-sized business as well as individuals and families. We specialize in federal and state tax planning and preparation, financial reporting for businesses, standard accounting services, and consult on key financial events like buying and selling a business or taking advantage of federal or state stimulus programs.

Services We Do Not Offer

As a firm with fewer than 20 staff members, we keep our focus on providing clients with the best possible accounting services rather than offering ancillary financial services. Our clients can trust that we will never ‘upsell’ them or take on work outside our primary expertise. For the following services, we prefer to work with responsible, trained professionals outside our firm:

  • Engagements to compile, review, or audit financial statements
  • Personal financial planning
  • Estate and gift planning
  • Investment advising and products
  • Pension administration
  • Business valuation
  • Insurance sales